Kako trd je material za pokukanje


TrdotaPEEKmaterial odvisen od tega, ali gre za čisti material ali steklena vlakna ali druge dodatke. Na splošno je Shore D iz čistega PEEKmateriala na splošno 88, inPEEKmaterial reinforced by glass fiber is generally Shore D89, and PEEKreinforced by carbon fiber The material is generally Shaw D91. But different crystallinity will also have different hardness at that time.

PEEK(polyether ether ketone) material is a special engineering plastic with excellent performance. Compared with other special engineering plastics, it has many significant advantages, such as high temperature resistance, excellent mechanical properties, good self-lubricity, chemical resistance, flame retardancy, Peel resistance, radiation resistance, stable insulation, hydrolysis resistance and easy processing.

Podjetje Jiangsu Hengbo Composite Materials Co., Ltd. je doseglo preboj na področju posebne inženirske plastike, kot jePEEK(PAEK) z dolgoletnimi prizadevanji razvil celoten sklop modifikacije smole, brizganje končnih delov in neprekinjeno iztiskanje plošč, palic in cevi.

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